Missing Dice Privacy Policy
doesn't collect personal data of any kind.
No Trackers
Most websites use tracking software to measure what you do while you browse — this is creepy.
So, there is no tracking software on this site.
Instead we use server-side analytics
This means we don't run code on your computer that tracks your activity — we just count (on our end) how many times we've sent the website to people.
This tells us simple things like:
- The number of visitors to the site
- What countries they're visiting from
- Which page is most popular
None of this information can be used to identify, or track any individual visitor.
We use Netlify Analytics to collect this data.
No cookies
We don't use any cookies ever. That's all.
No third-party code
We don't use any code made by any third-party
— not even open-source
This means there's no chance anyone else is sneakily adding tracking scripts to our site.
If you give us personal information
If you choose to give missingdice.com
personal information. For instance, on a signup form
or on the contact page. That information will be:
- the minimum amount of information required to fulfill the service.
- not shared with anyone else
- not used for any other reason
- deleted when no longer needed
If you have any questions please use the contact form.